Agbiz Grain Symposium: September 2023


Agbiz Grain will hold its symposium from 5 to 8 September 2023 daily from 09:00 - 12:00.

Building certainty, creating sustainability" is the theme of the symposium.

The  Symposium will include panel discussions on profitability and investment priorities, supporting a  world-class agricultural derivatives market, traceability of grains and oilseeds to meet consumer food safety concerns, and ensuring the insurability of the sector.

Agbiz Grain Symposium (2023) Overview


Agbiz Grain Symposium(2023): DAY ONE:
The sustainability of the storage sector and return on investment

Agbiz Grain Symposium (2023): DAY TWO:
Future challenges and solutions: access to stock, concentration risk and price convergence

 Agbiz Grain Symposium (2023): DAY THREE:
The application of traceability and regulatory compliance in grain storage

Agbiz Grain Symposium (2023): DAY FOUR:
The insurability of the storage sector
 Agbiz Grain (2023)  Symposium: DAY 1 – TEASER

 Agbiz Grain (2023)  Symposium: DAY 2 – TEASER

 Agbiz (2023) Grain Symposium - DAY 3 – TEASER

 Agbiz (2023) Grain Symposium DAY 4 – TEASER


Plaas TV Interview: The sustainability of the storage sector and return on investment

Plaas TV Interview: Future challenges and solutions: access to stock, concentration risk and price convergence

Plaas TV Interview: The application of traceability and regulatory compliance in grain storage

Plaas TV Interview: The insurability of the storage sector