Advisory Committee

Jerry Maritz (Chairman) Managing Director: AFGRI Grain Management

Agbiz Grain represent grain storers with common operational needs and initiatives with a positive contribution to the sustainability of the grain industry

Francois Froneman (Vice Chairman) Executive Director: Grain Services

Agbiz Grain represent its members, commercial storers of grain, at all levels and in all matters that have an impact on grain storage in South Africa in order to ensure the competitiveness and sustainability of commercial grain storage within the agricultural industry.

Marco Pretorius Financial Director: AFGRI Grain Management

Agbiz Grain are the central mouthpiece for the grain storage industry

Jan de Sousa General Manager Operations: AFGRI Grain Management

Agbiz Grain improve grain storage at all times and try to overcome new challenges in the industry together

Christie Engelbrecht General Manager

Agbiz Grain promote the grain industry for the benefit of the total agricultural industry

Awie Kriel Regional Manager Operational: Commodities

Agbiz Grain plays a leading role in the development of courses and training materials for the training of staff in the grain industry in order to address the shortage of skills.

Jaco du Rand Senior Manager Grain

Agbiz Grain serve as a mouthpiece for the grain industry and contribute to an effective food chain in South Africa

Johan Lusse General Manager: Grain & Agri Services

Agbiz Grain promote the goals of the grain storage industry in South Africa to be the preferred provider of grain storage services for primary producers, traders and processors.

Rudolph van Wyk Director: Grain, Fibre and Livestock

Agbiz Grain sustainably promote the interests of all those involved in the grain industry

Brett Parrott
General Manager

Agbiz Grain represents its members, who are commercial grain stores at all levels and in all matters affecting grain storage in South Africa.

Kobus Strauss Managing Executive: Grainlink


Heinrich Henning Operations Manager - Grainlink

Agbiz Grain, should on a continuing basis, provide sustainable solutions to all its clients in the grain value chain.

Cassie Bresler Head of Storage and Handling - Silostrat

Agbiz Grain promotes the interests of all role players involved in the storing and handling of grain commodities and oilseeds. All stakeholders are assured equal and transparent opportunities.

Henry Gale Senior Manager Grain

Agbiz Grain will continuously make a significant difference in the agricultural value chain, which will ensure a sustainable future for all stakeholders, whether through government, local or industry-oriented cooperation and dialogue.

Anton Duvenage TWK Chief Executive Manager: Grain

I will give my knowledge and expertise to Agbiz Grain to ensure successful support of the whole grain chain through safe storage of grains and oilseeds. All role players, farmers, will have peace of mind for grains and oilseeds stored at our storage facilities.

Annelien Collins PA to the General Manager

Agbiz Grain supports and promotes the interests of our members through representation and liaison with major role players in the grain and oilseed sector and the greater agriculture industry. As the Personal Assistant of Agbiz Grain I give direct office support to the General Manager and assist with enquiries from our members.

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