
Crop estimates remain unchanged

Published: 03/11/2023

The latest Crop Estimates Committee (CEC) report released on 26 October indicates that the size of the commercial maize crop in South Africa will remain unchanged at 16,395 million tonnes. The area estimate for maize is 2,586 million ha, and the expected yield is 6,34t/ha. The estimated maize crop is 5,98% or 925 225 tonnes greater than the 2022 crop. The production forecast of white maize remained unchanged at 8,5 million tonnes and the yellow maize production forecast remained unchanged at 7,895 million tonnes.
Also unchanged is the sunflower seed production forecast at 729 110 tonnes, soya beans at 2,755 million tonnes, and groundnut production at 51 910 tonnes.
Wheat production is forecast at 2,167 million tonnes, which is 1,66% or 35 450 tonnes more than the previous forecast with an expected yield of 4,03 t/ha. Barley production is forecast at 380 120 tonnes and canola at 237 450 tonnes. The expected oats crop is 41 600 tonnes and sweet lupine production is 19 200 tonnes. 
The fourth production forecast will be released on 28 November 2023. – CEC media release