
BFAP launches malting barley study

Published: 04/05/2023

The South African Winter Grain Industry Trust (SAWCIT) has commissioned BFAP to conduct an independent in-depth analysis on the local barley value chain. The study’s aim is to assess and quantify risks associated with production, storage, handling, transport and processing of malting barley.
It aims to work with all industry players to identify practical, implementational mitigation measures that will ensure long-term sustainability and commercial viability. The research requires industry buy-in to a collaborative approach of data sharing while maintaining data confidentiality and sensitivity.
BFAP will engage with stakeholders to access and analyse available data across each node of the value chain. The goal will be to determine the common traits, trends and practices that independently or collectively influence quality and increase the risk of barley not meeting malting grade requirements.
The results will help establish why barley is being downgraded to feed grade with the associated reduction in price. The data driven insights of the key factors resulting in barley being downgraded will be instrumental in developing mitigation strategies and best practices across the industry. – BFAP